Single Moms Raising Autistic Sons

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

A Brilliant Artist

This is Griffin's most recent piece, it is Ernie and Elmo swimming in the bath tub as he has described it to me. Griffin didn't forget the details of what it takes to make each one unique like Ernie's striped shirt and Elmo's eyes on the top of his head. I think that it is a great artistic endeavor. He never ceases to amaze me.

So, Griffin is doing very well in school and loves going and often does not want to leave at the end of the day. His teacher told me that he is doing so well with his potty training that she believes that he is ready to wear big boy underwear during the day at school. I am thrilled with this news of course but if only he would do the same for me at home. She said that he was even asking to use the potty! At home he flatly refuses to go to the bathroom most all the time. I have a great deal of support and some ideas that might just prove to work out after all, I will keep you updated as things transpire.

I go out every day to run errands or to go shopping in my wonderful car which I am so very grateful for, I feel so blessed with all the gifts that I have received through the power of positive thinking and believing that I will get all that I wish for as long as I believe. This is what I have found to be true because I have learned so much through The Secret, I just recently listened to the audio book and it left me feeling empowered and inspired to go after all that I want and need. I have already received much of what I have wished for which makes me even more confident that the rest is on its way, it's just a matter of time.

The weather has been pretty good lately and not so unbearably hot and humid so that makes each day much easier to tolerate, or it could be that I am becoming more acclimated.


KC's Blog said...

Griffin's artwork is wonderful! It's so detailed and just darn cute!
I am so happy that you guys are doing well and keeping positive thoughts! We love ya!

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how much positive stuff is coming around on this autism 'circuit' lately?
Best wishes

A Bishops Wife said...

I could not pull your blog up the other day, for some reason. I was hoping you did not leave us.

I pray rhings are going well.

Casdok said...

Love the pic!!!

Navi said...

my (non autistic) daughter was scared of the bathroom.

Until the first 3 days at a daycare, when they told me she no longer needed Pullups.

As soon as I switched to underwear at the daycare, she was using the bathroom at home. Maybe it will come at home in its own time.