Thank you Jazzygal for being so kind as to share this beautiful award with me, especially since I have never gotten an award before.....seen some fellow bloggers get them but never thought that I would. I have had this blog for 5 years and have had many ups and downs, great joy and disheartening pain, but it has been a great journey all the way. So, it is so nice to be recognized as having a blog that someone or many enjoy reading.
It is my pleasure to pass this award on to a dear friend of mine who has always been there for me for many years now Melissa H. at I Don't Need Excuses she has been there for me through thick and thin, through all the hell and high water, with all the pain and joy, in fact, it has been so many years I can't even remember how long it's been. I want to thank my genuine and precious friend by sharing this award with her. Thank you Melissa for always being there and lending an ear and listening when I've had to vent. I don't know how I would have gotten through it all without your help. I love ya Girl!!!
All my other friends that are on Facebook have gotten the award from one fellow blogger or another and for that I am glad. It is so nice to be amongst so many wonderful women so many empowered women who fight for their children and at the same time have so much kindness and compassion to go around no only for their families but for me/us the other women on there. I have over 200 friends and most of them are mothers and it is my goal to get to know as many of them as I possibly can because we all have so much in common. I just love the friends that I have already connected with and communicate with on a daily basis, it is so nice to have so much support right here in my very own home. Hugs to all of you!!!!
I've decided to try the low-glycemic diet for Griffin that will eliminate carbs (his favorite foods) and refined sugars and give him whole wheat pasta and bread instead. I think that we might be able to do it because I will be able to find substitutes in the regular grocery store and not have to shop at the natural food store. The doctor gave me some good yeast (not good bacteria) to give to him slowly after I have weaned him off of the carbs to replace the bad yeast (if it does in fact exist) to see if it seems to help his behavior. It should also help him not be constipated anymore which I usually just give him apple juice for and it works. I will try it for awhile and see if he will eat the foods that I offer to him and see if there is any improvement. The doctor did say that if I gave him the good yeast too much too quickly then he will get worse before he gets better so I have to be careful.
I told her that I cannot and will not do the GF/CF diet, I don't believe that it will help, I believe that it is too radical, and I know for sure that I cannot afford it. She understood and that is how we got to this point. We will be testing him for allergies still and his stool and I am very interested in how those come out. He never seemed to have a reaction to food or drink but it could have just been a delayed reaction or a behavior that I didn't interpret as an allergic reaction. Mostly his poor/bad behaviors are when he comes home from school which could be because his blood sugar is off balance from not eating lunch or eating the wrong things at lunch. I know that he must not eat much because he is a grazer and never eats fast so for sure he is not eating much. I don't know if I can do this new diet and buy foods for his lunch.........we'll just have to see. I am keeping a log of what he eats and what kind of behavior he has after eating, that should be of some value.
Life is not without its challenges but also full of blessings. When I hear my son's laughter all those challenges temporarily fade away: and when I think of the unconditional love that we share, I realize what a precious gift that has been bestowed upon me in this lifetime in which I had never imagined would be so magnificent. The one thing that I am sure to tell him every day is that I love him and that he is exactly the way he was meant to be created..He is PERFECT!
Congratulations Lora on your "eward" as my daughter would say when she was young. You have a great should be very proud..I'm proud of you!!!
Well done Lora, it is lovely to know you in our FB group:) Jen.
hi Lora
amazing how most of our kids have these digestive problems.. i havn't noticed my younger son have much in the way of digestive stuff like constipatation but he definitley has certain foods that set him off on the adhd side of things. the older boy with aspergers has had those problems with constipation forever and i feel so guilty for not sorting it out he is a crbohydrate junkie i really dont think we could do gf/cf with him. you have set me thinking and i will spartk ito action and make some changes, the only problem is his foods are quite rigid and narrow but i'll try. Loved your blog congrats on award xxxx
congrats on this award lore
well deserved and you truely are an amazing mum, its a pleasure to know you and to have a glimps into your life with your wonderful son
mandie xxxxx
Congrats Lora...glad you like it! deserve it. I too am delighted to know you through fb and blogsphere.
As well as the dietary issues I wonder if the transition from school to home could also be a factor in Griffin's behaviour??? I ask this because we had similar issues with Wiiboy when he was younger. The solution was letting him know "what's happening next" which I did through a series of pictures velcroed on to a strip... like snack, play time, TV time, Dinner, bedtime etc; etc.
God luck! xx Jazzy
Hi Lora
Congrats on the lovely award - well deserved.
Hope the diet changes go well for you and Griffin.
take care
I read this in my RSS feed and never commented! You're such an amazing woman, and I am honored that you passed the reward on to me! I promise to actually post on my Excuses blog soon! :-)
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