This is a film that you don't want to miss and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Normal People Scare Me, is a poignant film about what it is like to be autistic straight from the mouths of the children (and some adults). It is particularly moving because there's nothing left to the imagination, it is raw and real, it is honest and candid but most of all it will make you shed a few tears. Just the theme song alone (performed by Taylor Dayne) had me bawling. This is a documentary film that is like no other that I have seen because it was put together by a 17 year old autistic young man and what a brilliant young man he is indeed! I urge you to buy this DVD and to peer into the minds and hearts of these beautiful young souls who share their everyday experiences with us. This film will leave you with a new understanding of what autism is all about and with a feeling that will not leave you. Maybe I am just a softy and a bit mushy but I really do think that even if you don't find yourself crying a little bit you will still be left with an impression of how these individuals (and your own child) struggle every day, not that you are not already aware of it. I just wanted to share this information with you and let you know that I highly recommend this film for everyone who even is remotely associated with autism, you will not regret it. If you would like to order a copy just go to the link above and there's all the information that you need to order online. If you want to order it by mail then let me know and I will post the address. Hope that you are enjoying your day and have a safe 4th of July holiday.
Hi Lora
I have finally made the time to read your blog and update mine today. Where do you buy this CD i really want to buy it. take care and will be contact with you real soon. Hugs to you and Griffin Kira and family
Hi Lora, I too heard about this film...and am definitely going to buy it.
Thanks for talking and sharing about it here.
It sounds really interesting! I am going to check out the link you provided:)
Thanks Lora, have a great holiday with Griffin!
I hope someone has sense enough to provide copies for New Zealand. I know for certain I'll be on the lookout. And a happy and safe Fourth of July to you and Griffin, Lora.
Hi Lora,
I will definitely be purchasing the DVD for my own personal benefit and to pass along to all my teacher friends since we gain more autistic kids every school year. (I wonder what is with that trend??)
While at Borders yesterday, I ran into a book that looked very interesting and reminded me of you and Griffin----It is called "Animals in Translation" by Temple Grandin. Temple wrote "Emergence: Labeled Autistic" some years ago. The animals book reminded me of you both because of the close bond between Griffin and Abby, your service dog and just how animals have certain innate senses/capabilites that we do not have. Anyway,when I finish the three books that are ahead of this one, I'll buy it!.....Am currently reading "To Live is Christ" by Beth Moore which follows the life of the apostle Paul in the Bible.....really good.
Have a great July 4th!.....Jodi
PS---One of these days, I just might update my blog.
Certainly looks like a powerful film worth checking out!
Hope you had a wonderful holiday.
I'm so glad you wrote a review. I had heard about it and was wondering how it is. Thanks! I will definitely be putting it on my list of things to find.
Hope all is well! I'm going to catch up on you guys now that I have a couple of minutes. ;)
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