My friend Amy recommended that I buy a V-Smile for Griffin so I went to Wal-Mart and compared it to the Leapster. The Leapster cost half as much but didn't have the cartridges to go with it that Griffin would like. V-Smile however, had Elmo's World, Nemo, and Blue's Clues all of which Griffin absolutely adores. I must admit that I was a bit concerned about him playing with a video game and actually learning from it but sure enough Amy was right on target. Griffin said for the first time, " Hi, it's me Griffin". The most amazing part of that is that he used the word "me" in a sentence and said it while patting his chest emphasizing the word at the same time. He was saying it because Elmo was saying "Hi, it's me Elmo" and Griffin actually adapted the pharse and used it properly. Way to go buddy! It looks as though it not only holds his interest and he learns from it, but it is challenging enough for him that he keeps going back for more. The nice part is that he is able to let go of it when it is time to change activities. That says a lot about his level of maturity and the great progress that he has made.
That's great that Griffin was able to do that! What an achievement! We also have V-Smile and both my children love it. It didn't bother me too much to buy that video system, because it is educational. Gabe loves Winnie the Pooh and Boo likes The Toy Story game. Have fun gaming!
That's awesome Lora!! I bought Leapsters for the boys for Christmas, but didn't give them to them, because they were already overwhelmed with new stuff, so I'm saving it for their birthdays. I'm a little worried about Matthew having one, as he tends to break his stuff rather quickly. I'm hoping it will peak his interest as much as the V-smile seems to have for Griffin. He looks so cute sitting there on the couch playing with it. Way to go on adapting a phrase for himself too - that's great!
I've never heard of a V-smile. I'll have to check it out.
That's great he used "me." My niece, Bailey, just recently started using me correctly from time to time. Like when we play, "I'm gonna get you" and chase around the house - she used to just repeat "I'm gonna get you" when she wanted us to get here - but now she'll pat herself on her chest and say, "No, get me."
What a wonderful way for him to learn. It will also give Mommie a break from time to time.
Good work. Does Griffin play with mostly mechanical/computer-type toys?
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