Here Griffin is working on buttoning his oversized painting shirt. He actually got three done without any help at all and they were small buttons too. Gayle is here with him, she is his O.T. She got him to eat raw broccoli, if you can believe that! Gayle modeled for him and ate the raw broccoli and made ummm sounds and cute faces and he actually imitated her in every way. I was quite pleasantly surprised, no, I was shocked that he ate raw broccoli! On top of that he ate 2 pieces!! Griffin is really into the vestibular (swinging) so Gayle put him in the platform swing for awhile which seems to have a calming effect on him. Then she put him in this huge hanging ball pit that was made out of lycra and boy did Griffin love that. She would put pieces of a puzzle in the ball pit and he would have to search to find them and then was rewarded by putting the pieces of the puzzle in their place. Hope that made sense. I would put the photos of all the other activities that I have mentioned but I am just no good at putting more than one photo in a post at one time for some reason. Maybe I will put them in a separate post up above this one. Anyhow, the pool where they usually go swimming is being repaired so they won't be going there until maybe a week from Friday. Otherwise, everything is going just peachy . Griffin has had no, I repeat, NO negative behaviors in at least 2 weeks if not more and boy am I ever proud of him. He has been such a sweet angel lately. I have been a happy camper too because his happiness is absolutely contagious and his laugh is infectious. Hope that all of you are feeling happy too, have a great day!
nana & papa: ok griffin we both knew you could do anything you really want to so keep up all this amazing work and keep your mommie really proud and gayle surprised each week. who knows you may be a professor with a contagious smile.
Griffin's therapy sounds like fun for any kid! And so much good news about him lately! He sounds like he's doing fabulous. :)
Oh! My heart is leaping with joy for you and Griffin! I must say, I've had such a pleasant experience with OT and SmallBoy that I can see how well it works with Griffin without ever having met him. SmallBoy likes the lycra too...only his is about 8 layers worth and no balls, but he does love to climb it.
I think the OTs are our little angels in disguise. They help our children to feel so much better about themselves and MUCH more confident! That in turn spreads the happiness and joy to US!
Kisses & hugs!
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